Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nicola Tesla Free Energy For Home Use

If you like to generate electricity for your home month after month, without paying electricity bills? The answer is free energy systems.There are a range of free energy products that can be used to generate electricity for your home from free resources. These devices are based on a wide variety of principles. In fact, there are numerous devices invented by energy enthusiasts around the world. Some of these techniques have been refined and modified for maximum efficiency and consistency.

One of the devices uses static electricity around us to produce usable electricity for your home. Our atmosphere always contains electrostatic charges. With proper equipment, these static charges can be harnessed to produce electric current.

The following is a device that you can construct yourself to illustrate the concept of free energy from static electricity. A long wire acts as the main absorber of electrostatic charges in the atmosphere. This wire must be laid out without touching any other conductor, either vertically, or in an S shape if space is a constraint. You can use nylon thread to insulate ends of the wire to ensure that the wire does not touch any other conducting material. The longer the wire is, the more the charge collected; and similarly, the higher the wire is placed, the more the charge gathered.

Once the wire has been installed correctly, you must use additional components to convert the static electricity into current electricity. The wire is connected to a spark plug, a condenser, an ignition coil, a diode, and a battery, with some of the components grounded. These elements allow the static charges to be stored in the battery, which can be connected to your household circuit to generate electricity for your home. You can improve the efficiency of this device by several tweaks, such as using a rectifier instead of a diode, and so on.

The amount of electricity produced depends a lot on weather conditions, as the amount of electrostatic charges on the atmosphere depends on the weather. A lot of wind increases the efficiency of the devices, but humidity in the atmosphere makes the device less efficient.

The device serves to demonstrate the proof of concept of free energy systems that generate electricity for your home using static electricity as the energy source.

Idea Behind The Nikola Tesla Energy Generator

Tesla initiate it offensive that secluded companies would be healthy to glissando in and check the cause to our homes and businesses, making a eager raft of money in the noesis. It was his belief that everyone should be healthy to create their own electricity in a uninjured kind, and that was the purpose down the Nikola Tesla energy generator. The news goes that the governance was not entirely sharp on that design, and when Tesla passed in 1943, all of his paperwork concerning the antiquity of the drive maker was seized.

A lot of abstraction has passed since then, and as is the individual with all sorted documents, his primary writing are now concern of the unexclusive list. That substance that the  Tesla generator   can now be getable to anyone who has the term to shape it themselves. Ideate beingness healthy to economise anywhere from 60% to 100% on your strength visor each and every month and you have an melody of just what the Nikola Tesla energy generator can do for you and your home. A simple Google search will quickly reveal all sorts of plans that will show you exactly how to build one on your own.

You might be wondering why everyone is not on board with this, and why so umteen are solace under the moulding of their electrical set. The water saneness is that people are sceptical that specified an design as the Tesla generator  actually exists, with many of those folks fast to gibe at the purpose and preserve paid their vast monthly bills. Are you leaving to be one of those that prolong to imitate along same a sheep, or are you going to stand a measure to see .

Do You Believe Nikola Tesla energy generator can actually become a reality?

Nikola Tesla Secret is a digital DIY guide that shows you how to create a FREE energy Device which generates free electricity. Discover How To Use 100% FREE Energy to power your home with a device!

1 comment:

  1. Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor, is often considered one of the pioneers of free energy. His experiments with wireless power transmission and the Wardenclyffe Tower project aimed to harness energy from the Earth itself. Although his ideas were revolutionary, financial challenges and technical limitations prevented Tesla from fully realizing his vision. Learn more: Top Magnetic Generator
