Monday, January 27, 2014

Green Energy Technologies For A Better Environment

We have the technology to do a lot of things and one of these is to tap the earth's energy. This is exactly what we do when we decide to use geothermal which happens to be a green energy source.

Geothermal as a Green Energy Source


Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping heat from the earth itself. This comes from magma and the radioactive decay of uranium, thorium, and potassium. The downside to geothermal energy is the fact that it is expensive to build. On the other hand, because the earth's crust continuously decays replenishing the heat, it is still a renewable source of energy.

There are three types of geothermal plants around:
  1.  Dry steam plants take steam out of fractures in the ground and use it to directly drive a turbine that spins a generator. 
  2.  Flash plants take on water at temperatures over 200 °C, out of the ground, and allows it to boil as it rises to the surface then separates the steam phase in steam/water separators which runs the steam through a turbine to generate electricity. 
  3.  Last, you have binary plants. Here, hot water flows through heat exchangers and that boiling organic fluid is what spins the turbine. Once power is generated, the condensed steam and remaining geothermal fluid from all three types of plants are injected back into the hot rock to pick up more heat. 
Geothermal plants are operational in different parts of the globe, even though they are usually located in geologically unstable parts of the planet. Geothermal plants can be found in Chile, Iceland, New Zealand, United States, the Philippines and Italy. In the U.S., two of the most prominent areas for these plants are in the Yellowstone basin and in northern California.

If you were to compare the amount of energy collected from geothermal to solar, you still get more from the sun. However, unlike solar energy, geothermal technologies aren't hindered by a cloudy day. Geothermal energy is a green energy source because just like wind, hydropower and biofuel because it is renewable.

Solar Energy - New Discoveries

The day may not be far off when the use of solar energy becomes a norm.

There is now a deep conviction among experts that given a few years time, solar power will be in high demand that the cost will go down, inexpensive enough to undercut the prices of oil-generated electricity.

Previous predictions that it will still happen in a decade may no longer be true.

The anger generated by the recent prices in oil and its vulnerability to market forces and other events may have already been enough to polarized people, governments and scientific communities into seriously considering a reliable alternative energy source.

You can not get a source more reliable than the sun.

Even today homes that uses its power does not only benefit from the silent, energy generating, inexhaustible power of the sun, it also spikes up the prices of their homes.

Those that have solar powered homes are even reimbursed for the surplus power that they supply to the power grid.

Presently, heliostats, photovoltaic cells and plate collectors are being used to collect the energy by focusing these panels towards the sun or constructing and installing the panel's on spots where the sun shines most.

Development in technology as we all know often has a snowball effect. It never stops rediscovering and reinventing that the speed of development could often be surprisingly fast.

Green Energy Solutions By Tesla

What does green energy have to do with the Nikola Tesla Secret? Everything and a whole lot more.

Green energy is a source of energy that is not just renewable "it is continuous" and it’s free to you.
That’s right, free … pass go and collect energy savings.

What makes the Nikola Tesla Secret so fantastic was with just a few dollars you can start out small to replace your electrical needs and begin saving more money than you spend on your electric bill. And as you save money on your bill, you can increase your electrical savings by building a larger source for you to use.

As you save on your bill, that money goes into your savings. Then you turn around and use those savings to building a larger electrical “green energy” source, which will then continue to save even more on your electrical bill. Now that’s efficient. That's exciting.

How do you get a piece of this “green” action that saves you money continuously?  Keep reading. This is getting exciting now and it’s so easy.

All the information you need to build your own system is provided in simple terms. No college degree needed here. In fact, you could even let someone else read the instructions while you put it together. It’s really that simple. What really matters most is your desire to be free from ever rising electric bills!

Start driving your electric bill down now.  Don’t delay. Act by clicking here to experience a life free of ever increasing electric bills.

Over 235,000 people worldwide have begun their journey to achieving a $0 electric bill. Just like you, they too were tired of throwing their hard-earned money at their electric bills. And it seems as though the cost from your neighborhood corporate electric company is rising at a rapid rate.

Isn’t it about time you cut the cord with your neighborhood corporate electric company?

Still not sure if the Nikola Tesla Secret is the right choice for you?  Read on for the facts that support the innovative and amazing “green energy source". Not only does this method put money back into your pocket but it adds comfort to you and your family’s lifestyle.

Advantages of Using the Nikola Tesla Secret

Nikola Tesla Secret offers you a 60-day refund period while you decide whether or not the product will work for you. Yes, a 60-day refund period.

The product is environmentally friendly because it uses resources which are renewable such as air, sun and more. These resources will never destroy the earth.

As stated, the Nikola Tesla Secret is easy to understand. Creating your own power source is simple. As the power source becomes larger your electrics savings gets even larger. This simply means that your electric bill will continue to get smaller and smaller as your new found source of free energy grows and grows.

Don’t delay any longer. Start saving here now.

Everyone, including you, wants to save money. Here is another perk of this product. This perk becomes even better when you realize you are saving money while helping to protect the environment around you, around your family, even around the world.

While over 235,000 people worldwide are saving on their electric bills and even using more things in their lives that use electricity only 5% have asked for a refund. No other similar product can boast such a very, very low refund rate for a product that will continually help decrease your electric while continuously increasing your savings account.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Actually How A Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator Works?

Back in the early 70's, due the significant increase in oil price urged many peoples to find an alternative source of energy that is free or at least cheaper. The scientists who lived in this era have worked hard to perfect the method of producing free energy from environment.

For most peoples the meaning of free energy system could not be familiar. So actually what is it? We usually think that the amount of produced energy cannot be greater than the amount of energy we use to produce that. However, in the case of free electricity system, what we get is far more than what we use. Some inventors had claimed that they have already achieved that stage.

Some sources have mentioned free energy generator machines and techniques, but they are now not commercially available. These machines can transfer other forms of energy into electricity. Scientists say that three ways to generate free energy that are cheap, easy to use and efficient are from TV or radio waves, static electricity and radiant energy.

There are many inventors who have contributed to Tesla's original idea. Thomas Henry Moray invented a radiant energy device, Edwin Grey had the 50 horsepower EMA motor and Paul Baumann designed Tesla machine with two parallel magnetic disks. Dr. Robert Adams from New Zealand's invention: heaters, generators and electric motors are powered by permanent magnets. There is also the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG) by Tom and the electromagnetic generator by John. A Japanese doctor, Dr. Nakamat also invented the floppy disks which use Nikola Tesla's free energy system to generate free electricity right in his own house.

With all those contributions, we are quite success in conquering free power. However, we still have a long way to go if we want to perfect non-renewable energy resources. First of all, we have to consider the safety when dealing with electricity as this field is quite dangerous. The second thing is its availability. We can find an energy source that is cheaper, cleaner and more efficient.

Discover How to Use a 100 Year Old Device to Throw Your Electricity Bill Out the door. Tesla's Secret Device is a proven and effective way of generating FREE Electricity-and help the Environment. Click to explore the big bonus from Nikola Tesla Secret.

Story Behind Free Energy Generator Plans of Nikola Tesla

Have you ever think that free energy generator plans is real? May be we need to introduce this two persons: Edward Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla. Edward Leedskalnin was a tiny man who used electromagnetic manipulation to build a gigantic monument named "Coral Castle". He's still well-known in these days as the guy who encrypted his secrets about magnetism in his book on Moral Education. Then there was Nikola Tesla who was known to be the most intelligent man on Earth at one point in time, exceeding Albert Einsten. Nikola Tesla was a brilliant scientist who patented inventions that still boggle the minds of the leading scientists today.

He is the first scientist to have communication with extraterrestrial frequencies that corresponded in a intelligible way. He was responsible from most of Thomas Edison's work and theories. He was known for his work in magnetism and electricity. Nikola Tesla knew what frequencies cured certain diseases and also got himself in a lot of trouble. What trouble you ask? Well put it this way one of his inventions angered the wealthiest men in the world and it was all their fault.

Nikola Tesla was asked by the leading industrialists of his day and time to build a source of free energy generator that can run itself from the energy that surrounds us. On the day of the meeting to show these wealthy fat cats the free energy generator plans, Nikola Tesla went a step further and presented the device to these men! And even though the sheer amazement of his successful free energy generator made their jaws drop, the anger that filled the room was so powerful Nikola Tesla felt it crawling on his skin.

The names of these men were never disclosed because they are all major figures in our history books. Nikola Tesla had threatened the trans-generational wealth of all these energy tycoons and Nikola Tesla was marked for death. He went from a highly funded brilliant earth transforming scientist to the biggest threat to the top of the financial food chain to ever exist. Nikola Tesla's free energy generator plans were order to be confiscated by a shadowy government agency and to locked and sealed away forever. His free energy mission was put to a screeching halt, he lost all his funding and was now on the 'hit list'. Shortly after he was found dead in his hotel room. His work pushed into legend and obscurity and his name pushed into "the mystery box".

Text books were manipulated to promote only Edison and Einsten as the leading intellectuals concerning electricity, science, physics and electricity. His name was removed from Global Education and pushed into the shadows where only researchers seeking the truth can find traces here and there. However, his free energy generator plans finally surfaced and they work in theory and in reality. We are not need paying for electricity that is a free planetary energy form, it is in our atmosphere, in the ether as they say. Paying for electricity is a thing of the past.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nikola Tesla Secret Blueprints

Actually who is Nikola Tesla? He was a famous Serbia electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Contemporary with Thomas Edison for a series of inventions, amongst which the continuous magnet motor.

After a long period of time has passed since the discovery of a new energy source that can generate free energy, today the Nikola Tesla generator blueprints have been made public.

Since then, the continuous magnet motor science has advanced considerably, but the fundamental principle has remained the same. Hence, Tesla’s generator as we know it nowadays is an improved version of the apparatus Nikola Tesla was working on back in 1894, but still relies on the circuit diagram designed back then.


Nikola Tesla Generator Blueprints – A Radical New Method of producing Energy.


Although the Nicola Tesla generator plans were based on accurate, valid studies, they never were not found useful or valuable at that time. Despite the fact that the plans were complete, Tesla’s inventions were not commercialized. Unfortunately, the discovery of a new method to produce electricity happened during the emergence of the large electric power industry. When the fuel-less electrical generator was patented, the huge electric power companies started to worry. These major electric companies had invested enormous sums of money into plants and equipment and they were looking forward to making a profit from providing electricity to businesses and householders. They simply could not let their investment be jeopardized by the introduction of the new revolutionary system of generating zero cost electricity.

Because of the fact that the electric companies showed to be reluctant to change, Nikola Tesla’s generator plans were rejected and forgotten. Nevertheless, the blueprints were authentic and, finally, these secret plans leaked on the internet; people are now able to see for themselves that the plans designed by Tesla years ago and improved with the help of modern technology are actually viable and extremely valuable.

Now, it is obvious that the electric power companies have pulled a major hoax, misleading people into thinking that only they can provide them with the energy they need to power their houses and satisfy their ordinary necessities. Now that we have access to the blueprints of the magnetic generator, each of us can build such a device effortlessly and use it to power our homes with zero costs.

What we should learn from the past is that great inventions are always contested and sometimes forgotten or lost because of various reasons, one of which being the interests of major companies that rule our lives. We should never reject a revolutionary idea from the start, without giving it any chance. We cannot simply reject an idea because it seems too good to be true and because we have never heard of anything like it before. Throughout the history, the majority of great ideas were rejected and their inventors were punished or laughed at. Still, it appears that some people never learn from the past mistakes. Some of us never learn to listen, never learn to create, to trust the limitless power of science and support our opinions with viable arguments. Such people hold us back.

In the end, we will let you come to your own conclusion. Before dismissing this revolutionary idea, find out that the blueprints for the Nicola Tesla generator are actually real and they have survived time and controversy. Now, the Nicola Tesla generator blueprints are no longer a secret – you can easily gain access to them and start building your own generator, to finally become independent and forget about electricity companies.

Power Saving Tips - Tesla Free Energy Plans

Are you interesting to know how to save electricity in your home most effective? There is a way that make you never worried about the bill of electricity? That is a secret. However you are one of the lucky people when you are here reading this writing.

In the past century, there are thousands of questions about finding free energy were raised. It was not sun battery, was not wind power. When you find it, you won't have to pay thousands of dollars to pay for it.

Then what you can do to have it? It is very simple, you only have to pay 100 dollars to have necessary things to fix it from some local electronics store.

Don't you hear it on radio? Don't you watch it on TV? Yes because, it is a big secret. It had been hidden for 90 years, as the investors were afraid of it would destroy the basic of large energy they had obsessed.

All started in 1934, when the inventor Nikola Tesla said: " I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device". And it has created great attention to the investors at that time.

Fearing that would be the end of the industry which is worth billions of dollars. Immediately the big investor withdrew all funds that made Tesla unable to accomplish his invention. And it has become secrete for many years until now when a group of scientists discover the lost documents of Tesla. They have been quietly researching and developed it. Instead of keeping secrete for themselves, they have written a guidebook on Tesla generator follow each steps there. A small and flexible generators help you make it and use easily and unlimited.

You can supply power for any electricity equipment in your house from laptop, refrigerators or large screen plasma TV.

If you are on the high and far places such as on the top of the mountain and you want another power source but not the sun, Tesla generator is a perfect choice for you because of its advantage.

Bring it with your camping and you can enjoy a cellular energy source which is free. It is with you every steps and light your tent whenever and everywhere even when you are in the middle of the wild forest.

And the most important is that you can built it in your free time.

It takes you only 1 or 2 hours to create your own Tesla generator. It is very simple and quickly. Tesla generators will help you save you money on electricity by 60%. And I am sure you will be satisfied as many people have used it.

The link below will help you have more information about Tesla generator.

Wireless Electricity Of Nikola Tesla

If a single one-megaton nuclear warhead were exploded 300 miles over the center of the country, a high-voltage electromagnetic pulse would in theory disrupt communication and electrical systems all over the continental U.S. Gamma rays emitted by such an explosion would instantly strip away the electrons from air molecules in the upper atmosphere in roughly a circular, pancake-shaped zone. The free electrons would then accelerate radially with the earth's magnetic field, separating from the heavier, positively charged ions and creating a downward directed high-voltage electromagnetic pulse. This in turn results in electrical surges in all exposed conductors on the ground.

When Nikola Tesla invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, he had great difficulty convincing men of his time to believe in it. Thomas Edison was in favor of direct current (DC) electricity and opposed AC electricity strenuously. Tesla eventually sold his rights to his alternating current patents to George Westinghouse for $1,000,000. After paying off his investors, Tesla spent his remaining funds on his other inventions and culminated his efforts in a major breakthrough in 1899 at Colorado Springs by transmitting 100 million volts of high-frequency electric power wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles at which he lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and ran one electric motor! With this souped up version of his Tesla coil, Tesla claimed that only 5% of the transmitted energy was lost in the process. But broke of funds again, he looked for investors to back his project of broadcasting electric power in almost unlimited amounts to any point on the globe. The method he would use to produce this wireless power was to employ the earth's own resonance with its specific vibrational frequency to conduct AC electricity via a large electric oscillator. When J.P. Morgan agreed to underwrite Tesla's project, a strange structure was begun and almost completed near Wardenclyffe in Long Island, N.Y. Looking like a huge lattice-like, wooden oil derrick with a mushroom cap, it had a total height of 200 feet. Then suddenly, Morgan withdrew his support to the project in 1906, and eventually the structure was dynamited and brought down in 1917.

A Tesla coil is a special transformer that can take the 110 volt electricity from your house and convert it rapidly to a great deal of high-voltage, high-frequency, low-amperage power. The high-frequency output of even a small Tesla coil can light up fluorescent tubes held several feet away without any wire connections. Even a large number of spent or discarded fluorescent tubes (their burned out cathodes are irrelevant) will light up if hung near a long wire running from a Tesla coil while using less than 100 watts drawn by the coil itself when plugged into an electrical outlet! Since the Tesla coil steps up the voltage to such a high degree, the alternating oscillations achieve sufficient excitations within the tubes of gases to produce lighting at a minimal expense of original power! Fluorescent tubes can be held under high-tension wires to produce the same lighting up effect. Remember the farmer a few years ago who was caught with an adaptive transformer under a set of high tension lines that ran over his property? Through the air, he pulled down all the power he needed to run his farm without using any connecting apparatus to the lines overhead! Any electrical engineer with the proper materials can do the same thing.

Incandescent bulbs burn high resistance filaments that gobble up energy. Fluorescent tubes burn filaments (cathodes) to create an electrical flow that sets their internal phosphorus coatings aglow. Using a Tesla coil, high voltage AC can light up glass-enclosed vacuum bulbs coolly without any gases inside them at all! Any number of cold light bulbs can be lit using only one Tesla coil, and since there is nothing inside them to burn out, they can last indefinitely. It seems like a low cost form of street lighting, doesn't it?

When Tesla was determining the resonant frequencies of the earth to potentially transmit unlimited electric power, he also recognized frequencies that acted as a damping field to nullify electric power. With the advent of the wireless and Tesla's unique investigations into broadcasting electricity, a dozen or more inventors thereafter announced their own means for transmitting electrical energy without wires. One British inventor, H. Grindell-Matthews, actually demonstrated his "mystery ray" apparatus in 1924 to a Popular Science Monthly writer in London (See: Pop. Sci. Monthly, Aug. 1924, P. 33). When his beam was directed toward the magneto system of a gasoline engine, it stopped the system. Afterwards, it ignited gun powder, lit an electric lamp bulb from a distance and killed a mouse in seconds! Grindell-Matthews said the secret was involved with the "carrier beam" he used to conduct a high-voltage, low-frequency electrical current. During 1936, Guglielmo Marconi experimented with extremely low frequency (ELF) waves and displayed their exceptional ability to penetrate metallic shielding. These waves could affect electrical devices, overload circuits and cause machines like generators, electric motors and automobiles to stall. Diesel engines, which do not rely on electrical ignition, were not affected. Mysteriously, Marconi's research on the subject was never found after the war.

Free Energy Nikola Tesla Invention - Now Available to the Public !

Anyone can now build a Tesla generator and save 60%–100% in home or office energy costs. The smallest device can easily power a cell phone, but the larger models are equipped to handle appliances, media equipment, camping needs and even whole house electricity. In places such as remote cabins, where bringing in electric wiring would be cost-prohibitive, a Tesla generator can become the perfect affordable alternative.

Affordable Tesla Generator is now available to the public. Creating environmental friendly, free electricity, the dream and brainchild of Nikola Tesla (who obtained approximately 300 patents worldwide for his inventions), has now become a reality for those who wish to supplement their power needs or move totally off the grid.

In 1934, Nikola Tesla, the “Einstein of Electricity” announced to the world that he had “harnessed the rays of the sun and caused them to operate a motive device.” However, rather than support his new findings as they had so many others, the government actually cut his funding and hushed his ground-breaking discovery. At his death, both his body and his papers mysteriously disappeared. Now that the Freedom of Information Act is in play, some of those important blueprints have resurfaced, and Tesla’s invention for environmental friendly electricity has finally become a reality.

By using some 21st century advancements and Tesla’s original concepts, anyone can now build a Tesla generator and save 60%–100% in home or office energy costs. The smallest device can easily power a cell phone, but the larger models are equipped to handle appliances, media equipment, camping needs and even whole house electricity. In places such as remote cabins, where bringing in electric wiring would be cost-prohibitive, a Tesla generator can become the perfect affordable alternative.

These environmental friendly power units can be built with simple, downloadable plans and less than $100 in electrical components that are readily available at the local hardware store. According to Suzanne Wool of Chicago, Illinois, “This technology is the real deal and it changed our lives…”

As electrical bills continue to rise and speculation about fossil fuel increasingly hangs over everyone’s head, knowing that there is an environmentally friendly way to satisfy your power needs without breaking the bank is cause for celebration. Finally breaking free of the control of big energy companies may seem too good to be true, but satisfied customers have found that they can cut their energy bills in half or even become totally independent of the local electrical company if they so choose.

While solar energy has recently been a promoted as an alternative to high energy bills, installation and adaptation always seem to involve spending a small fortune on solar panels and praying for sunny days. Alternatively, the Tesla generator does not require sunshine. It is simply an innovative method of harnessing some of those 200 billion watts of sun power that shoots towards earth each day. And what’s more amazing is that Tesla’s environmental friendly plans are simple and easy to follow. You can literally download them in minutes and build your own unit within the next couple of days or less, just as soon as you collect the necessary components.

The new caretakers of Tesla’s invention share his desire to help the common man. They have made everything you need to build your own power-generating unit easily available and affordable. But they have even gone one step further. Because they are so sure that you will be overwhelmingly satisfied with this product, they are offering a 60-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee to anyone who is not absolutely happy with this product. It doesn’t get much better than that. This is a win-win situation for everybody involved. Finally Nikola Tesla is seeing his dream realized. Affordable electricity is available to everyone.

New Energy Technologies By Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla known as a multi-disciplinary genius. His discovery of the rotating magnetic field in 1882 lead to a series of US Patents in 1888, which gave us the AC electric power system still in use today. This one achievement earned him the honor of being called "The Man Who Invented the 20th Century".

But his research went way beyond what has found its way into everyday use. He is the recognized inventor of the brushless AC induction motor, radio, remote control by radio, super-conductivity, fluorescent lighting, the bladeless turbine engine and pump, the capacitor discharge ignition system for automobile engines, the mechanical oscillator, and dozens of other inventions. He also discovered new energy technologies that useful, energy could be extracted from the heat of the ambient air, and that electric power in the form of Radiant Energy could be broadcast to everyone in the world through the ground.

In his masterful article The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900, Tesla discusses the "energy situation" like never before. After discussing every known method of gathering energy from the Natural World, Tesla departs into the unknown. His first discussion is about a machine that can gather heat from the ambient air. He calls it a "Self-acting Engine" since it could run indefinitely from the solar energy stored in the air. He called it "the ideal way of obtaining motive power".

Tesla worked for years trying to solve all of the technical issues presented by the idea. His work with liquified air, his discovery of super-conductivity at ultra-low temperatures, his bladeless turbine and mechanical oscillator were all spin-offs from his work on the ambient air engine. He was convinced the system could work and that it was absolutely the best way to harness solar energy.

On a world that is warming up, tapping ambient sources of heat in the air, water and ground are the most important technologies to develop at this time. For a brief article on Tesla's amazing "Self-acting Engine"

But Nikola Tesla's most famous attempt to provide everyone in the world with free energy was his World Power System, a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the ground. His Wardenclyffe Tower, pictured above, was never finished, but his dream of providing energy to all points on the globe is still alive today.

For more information on Nikola Tesla and his discoveries CLICK HERE

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tesla Free Energy Generator

tesla free energy
Now you can stop worrying paying excessive electricity fees today with the Free Energy Generator which was invented over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla. The Free Energy Generator is a simple device that harnesses free energy from the cosmic rays that abound in the earth's atmosphere daily.  Easy to build, the Tesla Free Energy Generator requires very little technical ability and its parts can be found at any hardware or electrical store.

The materials used to build Tesla Free Energy Generator cost just under $100 dollars and we have already knocked off 60% from monthly electric bill of around $200 dollars. We paid $80 dollars the last few months and currently building another generator to get completely off the grid. The Tesla Free Energy Generator can replace any electrical power needs; from small appliances to an entire household.

Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator harnesses the electrical particles that surround us everyday. Solar, fuel cells, windpower, bio-fuels, etc., are popular alternative energy sources, but are quite expensive. Solar panels can run into thousands of dollars and does not always provide power when needed; but, the Tesla Free Energy Generator works day and night and during any kind of weather. Build your Tesla Free Energy Generator for less than your monthly electric bill.

In today's economy, cutting out your monthly electricity bill with the Tesla Secret Generator alone will add much-needed cash to your budget. It's legal and simple to build.  Nikola Tesla's Free Energy Generator provides electricity anytime, and, any where its needed. Upon using the Free Energy Generator,  we was amazed that for less than what we've been paying monthly to the utility, and with  a few items from the hardware store, we could generate enough power to give me a substantial savings of almost 60% off our bill. We look forward to completing a larger and more powerful Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator and producing enough free energy for the rest of our life.

Nikola Tesla technology is a simple one. This generator captures the electrical energy in the air which is FREE for everyone.  This device is available for anyone to build and enjoy FREE electricity without spending a fortune on solar panels which is a popular option many prefer, but it is a useless and costly alternative to the Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator and, besides being very expensive, solar is a poor performer on cloudy or rainy days and at high elevations.

The principal behind the Tesla free energy lies in the billions of cosmic particles in the air that rain down on the earth everyday. Nikola Tesla built a small device to harness this energy and apply the voltage to common household appliances. Though the technology is a simple one, it was carefully guarded by the mainstream electrical companies that would prefer we buy our power from them, often racking up thousands of dollars a year in utility bills. Free energy is available to anyone who wishes to use it and can be captured by a small handheld device that anyone can build themselves.

You don't need to be a mechanical whiz kid to put together your own Tesla free energy power strip, and the four pieces necessary for construction are available at any hardware store. The Tesla secret generator is mobile and can be used in any home, on camping trips, or used to power up a residential structure that is not hooked up to the city power grid. Totally legal, yet buried by the media, the Tesla secret inventions were concealed away for decades to keep the technology out of the consumer’s hands for the purpose of multiplying the riches for the big power companies.

Regardless of what happens to the energy cost due to few resources or the political climate, the Tesla secret generator gives you absolute control over your electrical destiny with cosmic rays any time you need it. Charge your cell phone, major household appliances or carry the Tesla device in your trunk as an emergency voltage resource. Nikola Tesla was a genius and his heart was in the right place to find a source of electricity to serve man.

Inventions From Nikola Tesla For The World

1. Alternating Current -- This is where it all began, and what ultimately caused such a stir at the 1893 World's Expo in Chicago.  A war was leveled ever-after between the vision of Edison and the vision of Tesla for how electricity would be produced and distributed.  The division can be summarized as one of cost and safety: The DC current that Edison (backed by General Electric) had been working on was costly over long distances, and produced dangerous sparking from the required converter (called a commutator).  Regardless, Edison and his backers utilized the general "dangers" of electric current to instill fear in Tesla's alternative: Alternating Current.  As proof, Edison sometimes electrocuted animals at demonstrations.  Consequently, Edison gave the world the electric chair, while simultaneously maligning Tesla's attempt to offer safety at a lower cost.  Tesla responded by demonstrating that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting current through his own body to produce light.  This Edison-Tesla (GE-Westinghouse) feud in 1893 was the culmination of over a decade of shady business deals, stolen ideas, and patent suppression that Edison and his moneyed interests wielded over Tesla's inventions. Yet, despite it all, it is Tesla's system that provides power generation and distribution to North America in our modern era.

2. Light -- Of course he didn't invent light itself, but he did invent how light can be harnessed and distributed.  Tesla developed and used flourescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry "invented" them. At the World's Fair, Tesla took glass tubes and bent them into famous scientists' names, in effect creating the first neon signs.  However, it is his Tesla Coil that might be the most impressive, and controversial.  The Tesla Coil is certainly something that big industry would have liked to suppress: the concept that the Earth itself is a magnet that can generate electricity (electromagnetism) utilizing frequencies as a transmitter.  All that is needed on the other end is the receiver -- much like a radio.

3. X-rays -- Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation was heavily researched in the late 1800s, but Tesla researched the entire gamut. Everything from a precursor to Kirlian photography, which has the ability to document life force, to what we now use in medical diagnostics, this was a transformative invention of which Tesla played a central role.  X-rays, like so many of Tesla's contributions, stemmed from his belief that everything we need to understand the universe is virtually around us at all times, but we need to use our minds to develop real-world devices to augment our innate perception of existence.

4. Radio -- Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio to this day.  However, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi.  Radio signals are just another frequency that needs a transmitter and receiver, which Tesla also demonstrated in 1893 during a presentation before The National Electric Light Association.  In 1897 Tesla applied for two patents  US 645576, and US 649621. In 1904, however, The U.S. Patent Office reversed its decision, awarding Marconi a patent for the invention of radio, possibly influenced by Marconi's financial backers in the States, who included Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie. This also allowed the U.S. government (among others) to avoid having to pay the royalties that were being claimed by Tesla.

5. Remote Control -- This invention was a natural outcropping of radio. Patent No.613809 was the first remote-controlled model boat, demonstrated in 1898.  Utilizing several large batteries; radio signals controlled switches, which then energized the boat's propeller, rudder, and scaled-down running lights. While this exact technology was not widely used for some time, we now can see the power that was appropriated by the military in its pursuit of remote-controlled war. Radio controlled tanks were introduced by the Germans in WWII, and developments in this realm have since slid quickly away from the direction of human freedom.

6. Electric Motor -- Tesla's invention of the electric motor has finally been popularized by a carbrandishing his name.  While the technical specifications are beyond the scope of this summary, suffice to say that Tesla's invention of a motor with rotating magnetic fields could have freed mankind much sooner from the stranglehold of Big Oil.  However, his invention in 1930 succumbed to the economic crisis and the world war that followed. Nevertheless, this invention has fundamentally changed the landscape of what we now take for granted: industrial fans, household appliances, water pumps, machine tools, power tools, disk drives, electric wristwatches and compressors.

7. Robotics -- Tesla's overly enhanced scientific mind led him to the idea that all living beings are merely driven by external impulses.  He stated: "I have by every thought and act of mine, demonstrated, and does so daily, to my absolute satisfaction that I am an automaton endowed with power of movement, which merely responds to external stimuli."  Thus, the concept of the robot was born.  However, an element of the human remained present, as Tesla asserted that these human replicas should have limitations -- namely growth and propagation. Nevertheless, Tesla unabashedly embraced all of what intelligence could produce. 

8. Laser -- Tesla's invention of the laser may be one of the best examples of the good and evil bound up together within the mind of man.  Lasers have transformed surgical applications in an undeniably beneficial way, and they have given rise to much of our current digital media. However, with this leap in innovation we have also crossed into the land of science fiction.  From Reagan's "Star Wars" laser defense system to today's Orwellian "non-lethal" weapons' arsenal, which includes laser rifles and directed energy "death rays," there is great potential for development in both directions.

9 and 10. Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy -- These two are inextricably linked, as they were the last straw for the power elite -- what good is energy if it can't be metered and controlled?  Free?  Never.  J.P. Morgan backed Tesla with $150,000 to build a tower that would use the natural frequencies of our universe to transmit data, including a wide range of information communicated through images, voice messages, and text.  This represented the world's first wireless communications, but it also meant that aside from the cost of the tower itself, the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized to form a world wide web connecting all people in all places, as well as allow people to harness the free energy around them.  Essentially, the 0's and 1's of the universe are embedded in the fabric of existence for each of us to access as needed.  Nikola Tesla was dedicated to empowering the individual to receive and transmit this data virtually free of charge.  But we know the ending to that story . . . until now?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Truth About Zero Point Energy Nikola Tesla Secret Generator

Nikola Tesla Secret

Do you think it is possible for generate free energy? Well...just read this article, about a genius person's discoveries about the ability to generate free electricity. 

The Nikola Tesla Secret shows you how to set up a circuit that can be used to save your pay for electricity. The Tesla generator is able to generate free radiant energy that can be used for many electrical purposes. This system simply cuts your dependence on electricity generated from the companies since there's no need for you to acquire any expensive batteries to store excess electricity.

The easiness in setting up the machine can be another big plus point; you can find all the spare parts in any local electronics store and you will not pay more than $100 to fully build. Isn't it interesting?

The Tesla Secret device does harness energy from the sun, so it will give you an emission-free system which is completely environmentally friendly. The most interesting part of the build is that you can take profit from it. The electrical devices that you are powering up using this device will automatically save you more money. Even the heavy device like refrigerator, plasma TV and clocks can be included into the list of devices powered by the Tesla Device you’ve built.

Nikola Tesla worked intently upon developing his electrical technology in his laboratory in Colorado Springs. His produces remarkable findings , one of them is the high voltages and currents with his electrical devices that sparks fly about the lab while from the antenna thick blue lightning streaks upwards 100 feet into the sky and thunder claps are heard over 15 miles away.

1. TRANSFORMER comprising:
a. Thick Coil of short length and few turns, which acts as the primary in the transmitter and as the secondary in the receiver.
b. Thin Coil of longer length and many turns, which acts as the secondary in the transmitter and as the primary in the receiver. This coil would be 50 miles in length or one fourth the wavelength of a lightwave whose circuit was 185,000 miles long.
c. Magnetic Core attached to the earth and elevated terminal.

2. POWER SOURCE deriving energy from coal or a waterfall.


4. CONTAINER OF LIQUID AIR (-197°F) which causes "an extraordinary magnification of oscillation in the resonating circuit[s]."

5. ELEVATED TERMINAL or bulbous top for accumulating stored charge. To obtain highest possible frequency, a terminal of small capacity (like a taught spring) and high pressure is employed.

The sending and receiving magnifying transmitters are built essentially the same way. The length and size of the tower and transformer is in a harmonic relationship to the electromagnetic properties of the earth. It has a multipurpose function. Standing k waves generated in resonant relationship to known earth currents could be used as carrier frequencies for transmitting electrical power.

Real scientists have known for centuries that the earth is a giant electromagnet having a North and South magnetic pole. Tesla was using this knowledge to broadcast electricity just like radio and TV waves are broadcast.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Free Energy From The Skies by Nikola Tesla

When you are looking for free energy systems give you devices that provide free electricity for your home and indefinitely, please read this article. You could enjoy the benefit of electricity for the requirements of your entire household, without having to pay a single penny to electric companies. We can say the only cost incurred is the initial cost involved in the purchase and installation of devices

Free energy devices works on a number of principles, which form a small group of a large number of principles and methods invented by energy enthusiasts all over the world. One of the popular techniques used by free energy devices is the process of converting radiant energy in the atmosphere to electrical energy. Energy in the form of radiation is present in the atmosphere all the time. They come from the sun as well as other stars around the universe. They provide an inexhaustible source of energy from the skies that can be used to fulfil our energy requirements.

If you haven’t heard of the process of obtaining free energy from radiant energy, you will be surprised to know that this process was invented over a century ago, by Nicola Tesla. His brilliant invention of the magnifying transmitter was intended as the basic step of an ambitious idea to provide energy to people all over the world, free of cost. However, self interested financiers and other political factors kept Tesla’s invention away from the public. Later on various scientists and inventors have followed up on Tesla’s idea, and developed and modified devices that could harness energy from radiations to produce electricity. One of these inventors was Dr. Henry Thomas Moray who built up on Tesla’s invention that utilises radiation to generate free energy. But again, politics and money won the day, and Moray’s invention too was kept in the dark.

However, a number of energy enthusiasts have worked tirelessly on the idea of free energy; and as a result of over a century of research and development, we have a number of proven techniques for obtaining free energy. One of them is electricity from radiant energy from the skies. Free energy advocates warmly recommend this procedure, and present a number of advanced equipments, that will help you provide free energy for your household needs. GENERATE THE FREE ENERGY NOW !

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Nicola Tesla Free Energy For Home Use

If you like to generate electricity for your home month after month, without paying electricity bills? The answer is free energy systems.There are a range of free energy products that can be used to generate electricity for your home from free resources. These devices are based on a wide variety of principles. In fact, there are numerous devices invented by energy enthusiasts around the world. Some of these techniques have been refined and modified for maximum efficiency and consistency.

One of the devices uses static electricity around us to produce usable electricity for your home. Our atmosphere always contains electrostatic charges. With proper equipment, these static charges can be harnessed to produce electric current.

The following is a device that you can construct yourself to illustrate the concept of free energy from static electricity. A long wire acts as the main absorber of electrostatic charges in the atmosphere. This wire must be laid out without touching any other conductor, either vertically, or in an S shape if space is a constraint. You can use nylon thread to insulate ends of the wire to ensure that the wire does not touch any other conducting material. The longer the wire is, the more the charge collected; and similarly, the higher the wire is placed, the more the charge gathered.

Once the wire has been installed correctly, you must use additional components to convert the static electricity into current electricity. The wire is connected to a spark plug, a condenser, an ignition coil, a diode, and a battery, with some of the components grounded. These elements allow the static charges to be stored in the battery, which can be connected to your household circuit to generate electricity for your home. You can improve the efficiency of this device by several tweaks, such as using a rectifier instead of a diode, and so on.

The amount of electricity produced depends a lot on weather conditions, as the amount of electrostatic charges on the atmosphere depends on the weather. A lot of wind increases the efficiency of the devices, but humidity in the atmosphere makes the device less efficient.

The device serves to demonstrate the proof of concept of free energy systems that generate electricity for your home using static electricity as the energy source.

Idea Behind The Nikola Tesla Energy Generator

Tesla initiate it offensive that secluded companies would be healthy to glissando in and check the cause to our homes and businesses, making a eager raft of money in the noesis. It was his belief that everyone should be healthy to create their own electricity in a uninjured kind, and that was the purpose down the Nikola Tesla energy generator. The news goes that the governance was not entirely sharp on that design, and when Tesla passed in 1943, all of his paperwork concerning the antiquity of the drive maker was seized.

A lot of abstraction has passed since then, and as is the individual with all sorted documents, his primary writing are now concern of the unexclusive list. That substance that the  Tesla generator   can now be getable to anyone who has the term to shape it themselves. Ideate beingness healthy to economise anywhere from 60% to 100% on your strength visor each and every month and you have an melody of just what the Nikola Tesla energy generator can do for you and your home. A simple Google search will quickly reveal all sorts of plans that will show you exactly how to build one on your own.

You might be wondering why everyone is not on board with this, and why so umteen are solace under the moulding of their electrical set. The water saneness is that people are sceptical that specified an design as the Tesla generator  actually exists, with many of those folks fast to gibe at the purpose and preserve paid their vast monthly bills. Are you leaving to be one of those that prolong to imitate along same a sheep, or are you going to stand a measure to see .

Do You Believe Nikola Tesla energy generator can actually become a reality?

Nikola Tesla Secret is a digital DIY guide that shows you how to create a FREE energy Device which generates free electricity. Discover How To Use 100% FREE Energy to power your home with a device!